The first step to any project is understanding your business and your goals. Asking the right questions and developing a clear plan that will make your project a success. As part of every project I offer long term support and training options to help you keep your website current and secure. I can also help you develop and integrate your social media presence (ie: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube) and can offer video production services as part of your on-line identity.
My first love has always been writing. You can provide me with a basic point form outline for your project and I can help edit and polish the final copy.
I am well versed in many different aspects of programming and design. HTML, CSS, Java, MySQL Database, Graphic Design just to name a few. All of these skills come into play when developing custom solutions for your project. And I always love a challenge.
If you are looking for a website that you can easily manage in-house with little or no programming skills WordPress is the solution for you. Whether its a full blown site or a blog section for posting news and articles – a WordPress-based CMS makes it easy to update and maintain.
If you require Hosting for your project I offer affordable web hosting packages starting at $150/Year. I can also assist with domain name registrations and help you get your site listed with Google and other search engines.